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A division of Blue Hour Studios

The MLS has listings in every price range with NO PICTURES as well as many listings with only one picture. Many websites increase the amount of times your listings are viewed based on how many pictures you post with your listing.  The amount of pictures you post has a direct connection as to the order that your listings appear when buyers search for properties.  Many of today's buyers search criteria include listing with pictures. The Miami Board of Realtors provides each agent with a virtual tour included with your membership.  Take advantage of this service by adding 25 pictures to each of your listings and provide your seller with the best possible exposure on over 500 websites.

No Pictures...No Excuses

Now more than ever, hiring a professional photographer for all of your listings will set you apart from just an average agent to a professional agent.  With 91% of buyers searching on line not only will your listings receive higher views but your marketing collateral material from EDDM farming post cards to your property brochure will all stand out as a top producer. 


Professional pictures for your listings.  Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe County agents now have an affordable choice to hire a professional photographer for any size listing at any listing price. For only Five Cents per sqft, we will take 25 high-resolution pictures for your print marketing and 25 optimized pictures for the MLS and websites.

24 Hour Turnaround at no additional cost.  We know you have 48 hours to insert pictures once you list a property, our photographers have Real Estate knowledge.  We will email your low-resolution pictures optimized for the web within 24 hours of your shoot so that you can comply with MLS guidelines.

How will you differentiate yourself from the over 45,000 real estate agents in your area?  Add value to your customers by offering the services of a professional photoshoot when making a listing presentation.  Now there is no excuse to use your point and shoot camera or telephone to take pictures of your listings.  Homebuyers start their search on the internet and your sellers deserve the highest and best exposure you can give them. 


The process of hiring Miami RE Photography is as easy as making a telephone call 7 days a week Guaranteed!

Need it Fast? Call 305-205-0364 24/7 to schedule your next listing photo shoot.  information you can email us at 

Explore our site to find out more about our services today!

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